Author Archives: CaskAdmin
Website is back!!
Greetings everyone! The CASK website is back up and running with full functionality after suffering some technical difficulties! The Interklub online submission form is also working again. Leading up to FCC on 31-July, we have the next FCC Planning Meeting … Continue reading
Pop-up Happy Hour at Aardwolf Brewing Company
Thank you Aardwolf Brewing Company for hosting our Pop-up Happy Hour last night! We absolutely enjoyed it!!
Busy April, Busy May!
We have a very busy few months ahead of us and we are excited to inform you about some of the upcoming CASK events that you will want to mark your calendars for! In April: Tuesday, April 20th: Pop-Up Happy … Continue reading
Excellent April Cask Meeting!!
Happy Sunday, CASK’ers! We had a GREAT turnout last night for our April meeting and Interklub Competition. First and foremost, THANK YOU Strings Sports Brewery for graciously hosting us and taking us on a tour of the brewhouse! That was … Continue reading
April CASK Meeting!
Greetings! Please join us for our next CASK meeting on Saturday, April 10, 2021 at Strings Sports Brewery! Judging will begin at 5 pm, followed by our social hour at 6 pm, and the business meeting will start at 7 … Continue reading
Happy Hour!
Thank you, Southern Swells for hosting our happy hour on Wednesday!!
March Monthly Meeting at Tabula Rasa!
Congratulations to March’s Interklub Competition winners! We had some outstanding meads!! GOLD went to Lucas Kluz and his M3A – Fruit and Spice Mead with Dried fruit (plums, apples and pears) with light cinnamon SILVER went to Travis Denmark and his M1C … Continue reading
Another Abbaye Normale Tapping!
Good evening everyone! Wednesday, we celebrated the tapping of Jesse Johnson’s Belgian Stout at Hyperion Brewing Company! Thank you for coming out and celebrating, and thank you Hyperion for hosting us!
Abbaye Normale Tapping!
Tonight we celebrated the tapping of Jesse Johnson’s 2019 Belgian Witbier collaboration with King Maker Brewing. Also on tap is David Byer’s 2020 Abbaye Normale winning Belgian Golden Strong! Congratulations!!
Congratulations to our February Interklub Competition Winners!
First and foremost, the members of C.A.S.K. would like to give a huge shout-out and THANK YOU to Seven Bridges for hosting our first official meeting of 2021! Congratulations this month’s Interklub winners goes to: GOLD: Ryan and Therese Anderson with … Continue reading