To promote the art and enjoyment of handcrafted brewing and to further promote the hobby by introducing new people to the art and enjoyment in the production of the many the varieties of beer, ales, wine and meads available to the home brewer.
Article I — Purpose
Article II — Powers
Article III — Membership
Article IV — Meetings
Article V — Elections
Article VI — Officers
Article VII — Dues
Article VIII — Finances
Article IX — Amendments
Article X – Committees & Special Positions
Article I — Purpose
- The purpose of The CASK shall be:
a. To promote home brewing as a scientific art and hobby.
b. To provide an un-compromised forum where experienced and beginning home brewers can enjoy a free exchange of brewing knowledge.
c. To promote responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Article II — Powers
In furtherance of its purposes The CASK shall have the power to call and hold meetings, to collect and disseminate information, assess dues, and to conduct activities that are lawful and necessary to accomplish its purposes.
Article III — Membership
- Membership is open to all who are of legal drinking age and who wish to learn and share information about home brewing regardless of race, sex, national origin, or religious affiliation.
- All members are entitled and encouraged to voice their opinions and concerns about club activities.
- Each member’s participation in The CASK is strictly voluntary. Each member realizes that participation may involve consumption of alcoholic beverages, which may affect perception and reaction.
- Each member will be responsible for the conduct and actions of their guests.
- Each member and guests of members accepts sole responsibility and all liability for their conduct, behavior, and actions and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The CASK and its officers and its members from any and all claims or liability whatsoever resulting from the actions of The CASK, its members and guests of members.
- Through membership in The CASK, each member agrees to and is bound by this article.
Article IV — Meetings
- Club meetings are to be held on the second Saturday of each month. As Amended – 6pm.
- Special meetings can be held at various dates and times for special events i.e. competitions, tours, etc. or as deemed necessary by the board.
Article V — Elections
- Club officers will be elected to their respective positions by majority vote of the active dues paying membership that are present at Jan. meeting.
- Club officer positions are open to all active Dues paying members.
- Club officer positions are as follows:
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Historian
F. Competition Director - In the event that a board member resigns the position will be filled at the next general meeting by majority vote of the membership.
A. Replacement Club Officer Nomination Process & Procedures
i. Upon written or verbal resignation of board member, an email will be sent to the membership
by one of the remaining Club Officers announcing the resignation and requesting club officer
position replacement nominations from the members.
ii. A member may nominate only one individual to replacement officer position.
iii. Members will send nominee name via email to any remaining Club Officers.
iv. Club Officers (Board) will collect nominations via email through midnight of day prior to next CASK meeting.
v. At next regular club meeting, in addition to email based nominees, final nominations may be made from the floor of the meeting.
vi. Once nominations have been closed, no more nominations may be made
B. Replacement Club Officer Voting Process & Procedures
i. During next regular club meeting, one of the remaining Club Officers will announce the names of all nominees.
ii. Each nominee will be given an opportunity to make a brief statement to the members regarding their qualifications and objectives for the replacement Club Officer position.
iii. After all nominees have completed their statements, one of the remaining Club Officers will
call for a vote by the members present at the meeting.
iv. Voting will be secret. Each member will write/select the name of one nominee as their vote.
v. The remaining Club Officers will collect and tally all votes.
vi. One of the remaining Club Officers will announce the winning nominee who has the majority of votes.
vii. Newly elected Club Officer will assume the role immediately
viii. If desired, members may review the results of the voting tally at the meeting. - CASK Elections Coordinator
A. The CASK Board will appoint a CASK Election Coordinator responsible for CASK Elections process coordination, administration of member nominations and voting for Club Officer Election. (See Article X – Committees & Special Positions) - Nominations for elected positions are to be submitted on or before the December meeting.
A. Nomination Process & Procedures
i. A member may nominate one individual per Club Officer Position.
ii. Nominations are open beginning with the November meeting.
iii. Nominations may be made from the floor of the nomination meeting.
iv. Nominations may be made via email through midnight of day prior to December CASK
v. Nominees may accept and run for only one Club Officer Position.
vi. If a Nominee has been nominated for more than one Club Officer Position, then Nominee must decline all but one Club Officer Position.
vii. Members will send nominee name and corresponding Club Officer Position via email to
Election Coordinator.
viii. Election Coordinator will collect nominations via email though midnight of day prior to next CASK meeting. - Club elections will be conducted at the January meeting.
A. Club Election Process & Procedures
i. During January club meeting, the Election Coordinator will announce the names of all
ii. Each nominee will be given an opportunity to make a brief statement to the members regarding their qualifications and objectives for the replacement Club Officer position.
iii. After all nominees have completed their statements, one of the remaining Club Officers will
call for a vote by the members present at the meeting.
iv. Voting will be secret. Each member will write/select the name of one nominee for each Club Officer Position as their vote.
v. The Election Coordinator and Club Officers will collect and tally all votes.
vi. The Election Coordinator will announce the winning nominees who have the majority of votes.
vii. Newly elected Club Officer will assume the role immediately
viii. Members may review the results of the voting tally at the meeting. - Club Governance Transfer and New Club Officers Orientation.
A. New Club Officers Orientation
i. Each incoming Club Officer will be briefed by his/her outgoing counterpart regarding the
overall duties and responsibilities of the position.
B. Club Governance Transfer meeting
i. All incoming and outgoing Club Officers will hold CASK Board meeting for the purposes of
transferring responsibilities.
ii. Club Governance Transfer meeting will occur no later than two weeks after January meeting.
iii. Each outgoing Club Officer Position will transfer/provide documentation specific to the duties of the position before or during the Club Governance Transfer meeting.
iv. Club Governance documentation includes:
1. Copy and/or access to Club membership database
2. Financial records, Bank Account transfer and other financial documents.
3. Copies and/or access to Club records and documents, Club documentation templates.
4. User names and passwords to Club Website, FTP, Club Officer Email addresses (i.e.
president@thecask.org, secretary@thecask.org, etc), Club Forum, etc.
5. Processes and/or procedures (written or verbal) for conducting the various business and
activities of the club.
6. Any other information pertinent to the operation of the club.
v. Each outgoing Club Officer Position will assist incoming Club Officers to extent possible with assuming the new Club Officer roles and responsibilities.
9. New Club Officers Board Meeting and Club Goals Setting.
A. Within three weeks after January meeting and prior to February meeting, new Club Officers
will conduct one or more board meetings for purpose of establishing for the current year in
office: Club Goals, Club Board Objectives, Identifying new opportunities for Club and any
other ideas for the benefit of the club.
Article VI — Officers
- The term of office for each position shall be 1 year
- The duties for each officer are as follows:
A. The President Shall:
1. Preside overall monthly club meetings.
2. Represent The CASK at outside functions.
3. Delegate club business to appropriate officers
4. Oversee all voting and cast the deciding vote in the event of ties.
B. The Vice President Shall:
1. Assist the President in any way required and shall act for the president in his or her absence
2. Organize any needed committees
3. Take recommendations from the committees to the officers for approval.
4. Organize guest speakers, educational and special demonstrations.
C. The Secretary Shall:
1. Maintain a record of all monthly meetings.
2. Maintain a current and up to date roster of club members
3. Provide each current and active member a membership card.
4. Edit the club by-laws as determined by the officers.
D. The Treasurer Shall:
1. Have all responsibilities for the clubs financial activities including but not limited to:
a. Collection of dues and funds paid to the club.
b. Record all receipts and disbursement of club funds.
c. Maintain the club bank account.
Article VII — Dues
- Dues are to be paid annually.
- Dues are due at sign up and are valid for one year.
- Dues are set currently at $25.00 annually unless modified by the board.
- Dues are to be paid on the anniversary of membership.
- Club officers serving in 2008 and beyond are not required to pay dues for the year(s) they serve.
Article VIII — Finances
- Bills, Notes Etc. All bills payable notes, checks or other negotiable instruments of The CASK will be agreed upon by the board. No officer or agent of The CASK either singularly or jointly with others, shall have the power to make any bill payable note, check , draft, or other negotiable instrument or endorse the same in the name of The CASK or enter into any contract, debt or liability unless authorized by the board.
- Disposition of assets. Should The CASK brew club ever be dissolved or cease to exist, The financial assets of The CASK after payment of any debts and all obligations shall be distributed to a non-profit entity that is organized and operated exclusively for scientific, educational or community service purposes, and has established its tax exempt status under ‘Internal Revenue Code.
Article IX — Amendments
- 1. These By-Laws can be only be amended by majority vote after an open discussion with the membership.
- Amendments to the bylaws shall pass with a majority of votes cast by members in good standing at a regularly scheduled meeting.
- Changes to amendments shall be brought up at a meeting, discussed and voted on at the following meeting.
Article X – Committees & Special Positions
- Committee chairpersons are to be voluntary with majority approval by the board.
- Special Positions serving a set of specific functions for a limited period of time may be required from time to time to serve the needs of the club.
- The chairs shall retain their position until resignation or by removed by majority vote of the board.
- Committee chairs are not board voting members and are not to sit in on board meetings unless requested by the board for updates on matters requiring board attention.
- Members of the committees will be on a volunteer basis.
- Special Positions will be appointed with majority approval of the board.
- The committees are to be as follows:
A. Fund Raising
1. The Fund Raising committee will be responsible for developing ideas and suggestions to be brought before the board for raising funds for The CASK.
2. Committee members will be volunteers that will assist the chair with set up, scheduling, and accomplishment of the events.
B. Special Events
1. The Special Events committee will be responsible for developing ideas and suggestions
to be brought before the board for events that will promote The CASK in a positive manner.
2. Committee members will be volunteers that will assist the chair with set up, scheduling, and accomplishment of the events.
C. Competition
1. The Competition committee will be responsible for developing ideas and schedules for
upcoming klub competitions and competitions sanctioned by the AHA and submitting them to the general membership.
2. Committee members will be volunteers that will assist the chair with set up, scheduling, and accomplishment of the events.
D. Klub Historian
1. The Klub Historian will be responsible for photographing and documenting Klub events and submitting them to the website developer.
2. Committee members will be volunteers that will assist the chair with set up, scheduling, and accomplishment of the events. - The Special Positions are to be as follows:
A. CASK Elections Coordinator
1. The CASK Board will appoint a CASK Election Coordinator.
2. Elections Coordinator may not be a current CASK Officer.
3. CASK Elections Coordinator duties include:
i. Coordination & Administration of member nominations for Club Officer Election.
ii. Verifies Nominees are members in good standing with Dues current.
iii. Collects records and reports all email nominations correspondence.
iv. Notify Nominees via email of their nomination. Nominees must accept or decline via email
upon receipt of notification.
v. Announce Nominees at December meeting
vi. Collects and tallies absentee ballots conducted via email correspondence after the end of
December meeting and prior to start of January meeting.
vii. Conducts election portion of January meeting. Introduces each nominee at meeting. Coordinates vote at meeting.
viii. Collects and tallies votes received at January meeting with absentee votes collected.
ix. Announces results of Club Officer Election.