First Coast Cup Competition A Huge Success!

What a fantastic First Coast Cup Competition weekend!!! The amount of involvement from local and out of town participants reached impressive levels the likes we haven’t seen in years. CASK squeaked out a First Place finish with a total of 56 points. Brewer’s Anonymous took 2nd Place with 52 points, and Hogtown won 3rd Place with 25 points.  Thank you to every volunteer and company that helped make this year’s event so successful!
Congratulation to each of our FCC CASK Medalists!!!
1.) Alex McTammany: Gold (Cream Ale), Gold (Alternative Grain Beer), Silver BOS (Cream Ale), Tied 2nd Place Heavy Medal Winner (8pts)
2.) Randall Merideth: Silver (Cream Ale), Gold (Weizenbock), Bronze BOS (Weizenbock)
3.) Jesse Johnson: Gold (International Amber Lager), Gold (German Helles Exportbier), Gold (Dunkles Bock), Silver (Schwarzbier) 1st Place Heavy Medal WInner (11pts)
4.) Jeff Curtis: Silver (Czech Dark Lager)
5.) Mike Lentz: Gold (Helles Bock), Silver (American Stout)
6.) Ryan Anderson w/ Therese Anderson: Silver (Munich Helles), Bronze (Rauchbier), Silver (Vienna Lager)
7.) Chris Bak: Bronze (Altbier)
8.) Shaun Newman: Bronze (English Porter)
9.) Todd Lawrence: Silver (Gose)
10.) Bob Hull: Silver (Belgian Single)
11.) Ian Dibble: Silver (Specialty Smoked Beer: Gotlandstricka)
12.) Lukasz Kluz: Silver (Sweet Mead), Gold (Berry Mead), Gold (Experimental Mead), Tied 2nd Place Heavy Medal Winner (8pts)
13.) Ken Jordan: Bronze (Berry Mead)
14.) Chris Dibble: Bronze (Spice, Herb, Vegetable Mead)
15.) Rick Terrio w/ Fay Terrio: Bronze (Ice Cider)
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First Coast Cup Schedule of Events

May be an image of ticket stub, blueprint and text that says 'First Coast Cup 2023 Friday, 7/28 Time 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 10:00 PM Description Ruby Beach Opens Judging Begins Lunch Publix Subs Judging Ends Pub Crawl Pick Up Ruby Beach Pub Crawl Drop Off -Ruby Beach Saturday, Time 10:30 AM 10:35 AM 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM Description Ruby Beach Opens Judging Begins Lunch Empanada Factory BOS Judging Pros Vs. Joes 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM Banquet Awards Ceremony Clean Up Bottle Share At Hotel Sunday, 7/30 Time 10:00 AM 10:15 AM Description Ruby Beach Opens Clean Up'

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Upcoming Competition Dates!

Chip Mark Your Calendar - D23

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Hot-N-Humid Competition Results

CASK performed great at the Hot-n-Humid Competition this weekend coming in 2nd Place right behind Brewers Anonymous. We had 13 members taking home 23 medals this year. Way to go CASK!
Congratulations to our Medalists!!!
1.) Alex McTammany: Bronze (Cream Ale), Bronze (Oatmeal Stout)
2.) Ryan Anderson w/ Therese Anderson: Gold (Rauchbier)
3.) Bob Hull: Bronze (Rauchbier), Bronze (American Amber Ale
4.) Chris Bak: Silver (Dark Mild), Bronze (Altbier)
5.) Todd Lawrence: Silver (Schwarzbier)
6.) Rick Terrio w/ Fay Terrio: Gold (Classic Style Smoked Beer- Rye Porter), Bronze (Dunkles Weissbier), Bronze (Scottish Export), Tied 2nd Heavy Medal (7 points)
7.) Ed Stansel: Gold (Sweet Stout)
8.) Randall Merideth: Gold (American IPA)
9.) Mike Carver: Bronze (Wheatwine)
10.) Ken Melissa Jordan w/ Asher & Skye: Gold (Berliner Weisse), Bronze (Berry Mead), Silver (BOS Berliner Weisse)
11.) Ian Dibble: Silver (Saison), Bronze (Dry Traditional Mead)
12.) Jeff Curtis: Bronze (Classic Style Smoked Beer)
13.) Lukasz Kluz: Gold (Berry Mead), Silver (Sweet Mead), Silver (Experimental Mead – Sweet Muscadine), Tied 2nd Heavy Medal (7 points)
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June CASK Meeting

Thank you Flying Fish Taphouse for hosting CASK’s June club meeting. The delicious food, the tasty beer, and the welcoming atmosphere was enjoyed by everyone that attended. Tonight’s Interklub Competition was Amber and Dark Lagers and there were many great beers judged!

Congratulations to our Interklub Medalists!!!

  • Gold: Todd Lawrence (Schwarzbier)
  • Silver: Jeff Curtis (Czech Dark Lager)
  • Bronze: Jason Click (International Amber Lager)
  • Honorable Mention: Rick Terrio w/ Fay Terrio (Czech Amber Lager)
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3rd Annual Murray Hill Pub Crawl

What an amazing afternoon for our 3rd Annual Murray Hill Pub Crawl! The weather was amazing, the beer was delicious, and the turn out was over the top!

Thank you to The Stout Snug, Buchner’s Bierhalle, The Flamingo, Perfect Rack Billiards, Town Beer Company, and Fishweir Brewing Company for hosting each stop along the pub crawl this afternoon, and lastly to all of the participants that came out to help support CASK. We can’t wait to put on next year’s event!                                    

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Hogtown Brew-Off 2023

Great job CASK!!! We took home a total of 22 medals and took second place in Heavy Medals. Congratulations to each of our medalists!!!

Bill McDowell: Silver (Standard American Beer), Bronze (Pale Bitter European Lager)
Jeff Curtis: Gold (International Lager), Silver (American Amber/Brown Ale)
Rick Terrio: Gold (Czech Lager), Silver (Smoked/Wood Aged Beer)
Mike Lentz: Bronze (Pale Malty European Lager), Silver (Strong Belgian Ale)
Jesse Johnson: Gold (Pale Bitter European Beer), Gold (Dark European Lager)
Ryan Anderson: Gold (Amber Malty European Beer), Silver (Amber Bitter European Beer), Bronze BOS (Rauchbier)
James Parrish: Gold (Amber Bitter European Beer)
Ed Stansel: Gold (Irish Beer)
Marshall Crews: Bronze (Dark British Ale)
Jamie Parrish: Silver (American Porter/Stout)
Ian Dibble: Gold (Strong Belgian Ale)
Ryan Wilmot: Bronze (Fruit Beer)
Randall Meredith: Bronze (Spiced Beer)
Lukasz Kluz: Gold (Fruit Mead), Silver (Traditional Mead), Bronze (Specialty Mead)
Ryan Anderson, Lukasz Kluz, Jesse Johnson: Bronze Heavy Medal (tied w/ others)
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May’s Club Meeting

Thank you Tepeyolot Cervercia’s for hosting our May CASK Meeting! It was a good turnout this evening and our judges had their work cut out for them as the Smoked Beer scores in tonight’s Interklub Competition were tight!

Congratulations to the Medalists!!!

  • Gold: Jesse Johnson (Rauchbier)
  • Silver: Rick Terrio w/ Fay Terrio (English Porter w/ Rye & Smoked Cherrywood)
  • Bronze: Ryan Anderson w/ Therese Anderson (Rauchbier)
  • Honorable Mention: Fay Terrio w/ Rick Terrio (English Porter w/ Smoked Cherrywood)
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Hurricane Blowoff 2023

Congratulations CASK medalists who entered into the Hurricane Blowoff Competition! We held our own and earned 3rd place for Heavy Medal.
1) Rick Terrio w/ Fay Terrio: Bronze (Czech Amber Lager)
2.) Bob Hull: Gold (Kolsch), Silver (Weissbier)
3.) Jesse Johnson: Silver (German Helles Exportbier), Silver (Belgian Tripel)
4.) Ian Dibble: Bronze (Kolsch)
5.) Chris Bak: Gold (Vienna Lager), Silver (Dark Mild)
6.) Alex McTammany: Gold (Oatmeal Stout), Silver (Hazy IPA)
7.) Jeff Curtis: Bronze (American Amber Ale)
8.)John Peterson: Silver (Alternative Sugar Beer)
9.) Lukasz Kluz: Gold (Sweet Mead), Silver (Experimental Mead), BOS Bronze (Sweet Mead)
For a full list of the competition medalists click: Hurricane Blowoff 2023 Medalists
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2023 Barrel Project

It was finally time to rack CASK’s Barrel Aged Tripel! Thank you John Keane and Fishweir Brewing Co. for participating with this project. Come and try it at this year’s First Coast Cup!

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